Kaunas city social service centre provides the following social services:
- Informing (Social support information system (SPIS) code 201);
- Counseling (SPIS code 202);
- Advocacy and representation (SPIS code 203);
- Catering organization (SPIS code 204);
- Provision of necessary clothing and footwear (SPIS code 2018);
- Organising transportation service (SPIS code 206);
- Socio-cultural services (SPIS code 207);
- Organising personal hygiene services (SPIS code 208);
- Temporary lodging (SPIS code 222);
- Home assistance (SPIS code 310);
- Social skills development and support (SPIS code 320);
- Psychosocial support (SPIS code 360);
- Accommodation in Lodging House and crisis centres (SPIS code 370);
- Day social care (SPIS codes 411, 414, 415).
Kaunas city social service centre’s working hours:
Mondays | 8 AM – 5 PM |
Tuesdays | 8 AM – 5 PM |
Wednesdays | 8 AM – 5 PM |
Thursdays | 8 AM – 5 PM |
Fridays | 8 AM – 3.45 PM |
Lunch break: 12 PM – 12.45 PM.
Day before national festivals the Centre works an hour shorter.
Requisite information:
Municipal budgetary institution
Kaunas city social service centre
a/s Nr. LT 584010042500040187, AB DNB bankas;
Data are kept in the Centre of legal entities, the institution code 135950440
Kauno miesto socialinių paslaugų centro kontaktai
Partizanu str. 38D, Kaunas 49490
Telephone (8-37) 322462,
E-mail: info@kaunospc.lt
Department of General affairs – is organising inner orders, public procurements, accepting documents and working the its registrations, organising staff records and other.
Department of Social Services for community – is providing social services to elderly and physically handicapped people at home, at the day care centre and to other people, who have social problems; social workers organizing social services in Kaunas city districts (there are 11 districts), assesses the needs of social services and social support;
Department of Social Services for families – is providing special or general social services for families at social risk.
Department of Lodging House services – is providing social services for homeless people in Kaunas city municipality.